CardReader, Inc., dba Electronic Document Technology is the developer of compact optical card scanners, and leading edge Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Barcode reading, and business card reader technologies and applications. Established in 1992 as a development center for OCR technology, the company has developed and released several versions of its OCR, Business Card Reading and Barcode readng products to the market. Our compact optical card scanners are ideal for capturing images of business cards, medical and insurance cards, driver licenses, and other identification cards used in industry.
BizCardReader Application
A business card reader application that scans, reads and stores business cards. It saves a scanned image of the card and automatically reads the card contents into a database. You can view and retrieve any card easily, and print mailing labels and contact information from the database.
Scan-ID Application
Scan-ID is a card scanning software which scans and stores driver licenses, medical and insurance cards, and other photo IDs, and creates a searchable database of the scanned cards. It reads the PDF417 barcodes on US and Canadian driver licenses, and automatically places the information read into their respective (name, birthdate, etc.) fields.
Duplexscan 1210
A high speed duplex scanner capable of scanning both sides of a card in a single pass.
BizCardreader 901
A high speed simplex scanner for capturing images of business cards, medical and insurance cards, and other identification documents.
Cardreader, Inc.
1411 Ramon Dr.
Sunnyvale, CA 94087